Logo Telecom Etude

Legal Notice

Photo credits


In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 III-1 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, you will find below information on the publisher and host of this website

Telecom Etude

Association loi 1901, affiliated to the CNJE

Head Office: Télécom Paris, 19, place Marguerite Perey 91120 PALAISEAU

[SIRET number: 332 711 522 00018 | URSSAF number: 757 090058076001011 8

Intra-community VAT number: FR 1933 2711 522 00018 | Code APE : 6202A]


Data Protection officer (DPO) : Leïla Iksil

In accordance with the RGPD, you may exercise your right to access, portability, rectification, opposition or deletion of your data by sending a request tosecretaire.general@telecom-etude.fror via thecontact form on the site.


Rezel Hosting (Rezel)
Head Office : 19 Place Marguerite Perey, 91120 PALAISEAU
Logo Telecom Etude